Wednesday 21 August 2013

Master’s blog, stardate 2013.231

August is supposed to be a quiet month for the livery.  Well it is not a quiet time for the Master or the Clerk.  We have to be looking ahead as far as the Myddelton lunch next year as well as dates for events in September through to December.  Arrangements for the visit to the Globe and the Annual banquet have been finalised.  Detailed arrangements for the visit to Ruthin are complete, this has meant liaison with the Bishop’s office in St Asaph, the Welsh Secretary of State’s office, the town clerk’s office in Ruthin and other people in the London Guildhall, the Welsh Assembly and Denbighshire CC.  The order of service in St Peters is ready for printing; our own ceremonial for getting Court members from the Town Hall to the church has been agreed with the clerk.  Entertainment has been organised.  In the meantime there will be an FM&GP meeting and one of the Trustees on 04 September.  The new committee will need to be ‘settled in’.  The Trustees will have plenty to think about.

Thursday 1 August 2013

Master's blog, stardate 2013.213

August 1st and my first month has flown but sadly overshadowed by the passing of Liveryman Nick Reeves.  

I have been to several Livery events as I have reported already; and beset by a constant stream of emails from the Clerk, Wardens and Past Masters about recent and future events, for example the visit to Ruthin, the visit to the Globe, the Michaelmas Court and lunch on the 24th and the Annual Festival Dinner of the Plumber’s Company that same evening.  The Modern Companies hold their dinner on September 12th.  Plans are already well advanced for the banquet, as they have to be.  The wardens and I had an excellent working meeting on July 22nd.  Oh and there is my first FM&GP meeting as Master coming up on September 4th followed by a meeting of the Water Conservation Trust.  

I thought it would be wise to refresh my memory on what is in both Standing Orders and Ordinances so I have re-read them both; we should all do this, though they are hardly bedtime reading.  They should be kept away from children too.  Ask the Clerk for copies by email!