I am sorry
for the break; Conservator business gets in the way of writing-up things. I am reminded of the time when I was a
resident engineer on site supervising a contractor, when things were quiet
there was nothing to record and on busy days there was no time to record
March 4th I
supported our Conservators at the pancake races at the Guildhall and attended a Master’s Committee meeting.
On 10th, 11th and 12th I was in London for
another Master’s Committee meeting on Monday morning with Miss Judy Long who
will be our guest speaker at the Election court lunch. On Monday evening the Thames Warden and I
attended the Modern Companies dinner at Wax Chandlers Hall. It was useful to exchange ideas with other
Masters. Clerks are not invited! Tuesday evening found me in Mansion House at
the Plumbers Annual banquet. Wednesday
lunchtime the clerk and I attended the Master Mariners lunch on HQS Wellington where
I sat next to His Honour Judge Tudor Owen, Master of the Air Pilots. His Honour hails from Aberdare at the head of
the Cynon valley whist my home town of Abercynon lies at the lower end. We agreed that this was the ‘centre of the
universe’ but was a much more vibrant place 50 -60 years ago. We had much to talk about which caused
amusement to those sitting opposite the two of us. Of course since he went to Kings College
London he was disparaging about University College but I gave him not an
inch. The lunch extended well past 3
On the way back to North Wales
I reflected that I had attended some very special events and met interesting
people where I was able to exchange views about the Livery as well as putting
the world to right.
I am pleased
to report that liveryman Hugh Masters Williams has written a Perspective on ‘Embedded
water – the invisible issue’, it should be on the web site soon. I have been promised one more, are there any
others out there?
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