Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Master’s blog, Stardate 2013.316

Some time ago the Water Conservation Trust was asked for help because the pond at Hillside Primary School in Orpington was to be put out of bounds or filled in because it represented a risk to the pupils. Through Trustee Rob Casey, the Trust recommended and paid for a safety grid, and encouraged the school to extend its science teaching. I have received news that, through its Charities Programme, Thames Water has agreed to fund half the cost of the grid. This is thanks to the great work done by Rob in developing our links with Thames Water. I will say that this is just a simple but significant example of how starting off in Ruislip High School with a pond has led on to greater things. This is an example of where ‘Leading from the future’ can take us and I do hope that the message gets home that ‘Leading from the future’ will happen if we use our heads to identify an opportunity and get involved: that means taking the project to heart, and then taking some immediate action that is using the emotion to develop some momentum.

I know from experience of long ago that this approach works and we have heard about Hugh Myddelton and John Snow. In the same vein, I would like Company members to support the work of the Trustees in the knowledge that with your involvement we can go to places unimaginable at the moment. That this means becoming Globally Useful can be our Future Possibility and not just a pipedream.

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