Friday, 15 November 2013

Master’s blog, stardate 2013.319

An FM&GP meeting was held at 154 Buckingham Palace Road on 13th November, thank you ESA, which I was pleased to chair; it turned out to be a lively meeting with lots of discussion about what I mean by ‘Leading and learning from the future’.  Despite me claiming to have explained on number of occasions that futures emerge my Learned Clerk has helped me by suggesting that I extend the objective of my proposal to ‘Leading and learning from the future as it emerges’.  I trust that this longer wording will ease a few furrowed brows.  The concept of the ‘future’ actually emerging in front of you is a vital element and makes conventional planning redundant.  I think that all the members of the committee were pleased that we were airing a difficult concept.  We agreed to take the next steps in the Company becoming better informed about ourselves; a ‘stock-taking’ of skills as it was described by Mark Lane.

It was gratifying to learn from the clerk that nobody had fallen off their perch in the last quarter, or resigned and that the results of recruitment of new members were encouraging.  Our efforts to attract commercial members is on-going too.

In the evening I attended the Actuaries Lecture at Staple Hall which was on the subject of the London Paraplegic Olympics and was delivered by Sir Philip Craven MBE who is an amazing man full of passion and the will to do things whilst wheelchair bound; and obviously a leader who inspires the most amazing efforts and results from countless athletes, not just medal winners.  I was on my feet once again so people are hearing about the Water Conservators.  I made the comment that I had experience of living with a severely disabled family member who was a great success in his career and that whilst many people say the ‘disabled people have something extra’, I disagree with this sentiment, me being me I would wouldn’t I, since I say that the ‘ordinary’ people have lost things like determination and spirit that is still very evident in disabled people in many walks of life’.  All in all it was a most inspiring event attended by about 80 people, many Masters amongst them.

On Wednesday 14th along with our Clerk I was a guest at the Court Luncheon of the Environmental Cleaners at Armourers Hall.  I have been to 3 or 4 events at Armourers this year all very successful and enjoyable.

Today is a catching-up day.  I am off to Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, tomorrow with liveryman Gwilym Roberts to attend their celebration of the founding of the college in 1596.  I believe that Oliver Cromwell’s head is stored there.  We are intent on developing links between Sidney Sussex and the Company.

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